
Monday, June 3, 2013

Wave 1 - Day 2 - What I ate

1 cup oats, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 cup strawberries,
green tea!  I was full halfway through, so I saved the rest
for when I got hungry again...

I added 1/2 cup of cottage cheese to my breakfast
leftovers for a tasty snack!

Lunch was 2 vegan boca burgers with some ketchup
and a side of broccoli!  (Or was it a bunch of broccoli with
a side of boca burgers?) 1 tsp EVOO on the broccoli.

Dinner tilapia (cooked with EVOO and garlic) with a side of
veggies and barley.  In the mix of veggies: summer squash,
zucchini, bell peppers, red onion, and canned tomatoes.
Cooked with some cooking sherry and lime juice.
All seasoned with Italian seasoning.

Later I had a snack of celery and 1 tbs peanut butter.

I also enjoyed an orange!  And Diva and Jacques enjoyed
some begging.
I did pretty well today, but I was SO wanting snacks.  And not healthy ones.  I wanted chips and candy.  But I didn't have any of that, and I'm going to stick to this for 3 months like I said, so I settled for Sonoma-friendly snacks.  :-)

I'm off to get on my bike for an hour!  I don't think I mentioned this, but the NSD suggests 1 hour of exercise 5 days a week.  Nothing specific, just whatever I want to do.  And today, the bike fits into my schedule.

I hope that all of you are having great weeks so far, and that you are enjoying my food posts.


  1. Another excellent day and the first few days are always the hardest.

  2. Oh yes, I imagine those cravings are evil, evil little monkeys. What always gets me to fall off the wagon: running out of the healthy stuff. If you have the time and money to make sure you don't run out, I think it'll be easier. At least for me it would be :P Anyway, congrats on day two!! You're doing great :)

  3. I keep hearing about blogs mentioning EVOO. What is this? Is it good for weight loss? Or is it a flavoring?

    Good for you, for sticking to your guns! You can do it! Battle on.
