Friday, December 14, 2012

the little things - Stopping my ALL or NOTHING thoughts.

Make smaller goals that are easy to reach.

This is something that I'm working on right now.  This way, instead of feeling terrible that I didn't exercise at all, maybe I will feel good that I got on the bike for twenty minutes.

Instead of feeling terrible that I didn't track ALL my food, I feel good that I tracked dinner.

Instead of feeling terrible that I ate NOTHING BUT JUNK FOOD ALL DAY, I will feel good that at least I at one cup of vegetables.

These are all things that are very hard for me to do.

I'm a very "all or nothing" person, especially when it comes to eating and exercise. 

I feel like if I don't track EVERYTHING, and if my food isn't ALL healthy, and if I can't exercise DAILY or for an HOUR, then I might as well not track at all, eat ONLY junk food,  and sit on the couch all day long.

But wouldn't I be a little bit better off if I ate at least SOME healthy foods, got in at least a few minutes of focused movement, and watched my portions at least a little bit by tracking maybe even only one meal?  

I think so.

I'm going to focus on doing at least one good thing a day for myself, and I'm going to try to celebrate the little victories.

This will include ALL aspects of  my life,  not just diet and exercise. 

Here's what I have accomplished today:
1) I walked the dogs 3 times (10 minutes each time)
2) I took a shower
3) I got on my bike for 40 minutes
4) I tracked my emotionally overeating breakfast on MFP

because a blog entry without pictures SUCKS


Anonymous said...
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Jennifer said...

"because a blog entry without pictures SUCKS" :) Loved that note!

Leah, I cannot say enough to you how inspiring you have been for me.

I'm so glad we found each other on the internets. I'm very thankful for you.

Anonymous said...
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