Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Marathon training! The loooooooooooong way...

I decided a long time ago that I'd like to run a marathon some day.  Then I broke my leg, succumbed more than ever to my binge eating disorder, and became more sedentary than perhaps ever before in my life.

Now I'm in the beginning stages of losing the 100 grief pounds and reclaiming a healthy life.

I still have the goal of running in a marathon.  But.

I have to do this is stages.  It may take 2 or 3 years of training before I get there.  This won't be a "12 weeks to running a marathon!" plan.  I don't know yet how long it will take me. (much like my weight loss plan)

Because I am starting from a very sedentary and out-of-shape place in my life.

I figured out a few weeks ago that the first step would be to be able to walk for 45 minutes.  I came up with this number because that used to be my average 5K time.  So I figure that it's a good walking goal to reach for.

The first step is an 8 week walking schedule.

During these 8 weeks, I will go from not moving much at all (outside of regular tasks, like walking to  and from my car and doing housework) to being able to walk at a moderate pace for 45 minutes straight.  I will get on my treadmill and walk every other day during this time.

Week one:  20 minutes on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Week two: 25 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Week three: 30 minutes on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Week four: 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Week five: 35 minutes on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Week six: 40 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Week seven: 45 minutes on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Week eight: 45 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

I just started week four and I'm loving it.  I've had to adjust a bit due to LIFE (sick day, cramps, etc) but have been mostly sticking to this.  It's pretty easy for me to walk for 30 minutes now, and that's a big victory for me.

I haven't written a plan for the next step yet, but I think that I will keep it in two month increments for awhile because that seems to be a good calendar goal for me.  I think that next I will be adding in some strength training and yoga, plus will be trying to reach for an hour of walking.  Step three may start adding in cardio multiple days in a row!  Who knows?  I love writing my own plan.

I don't want to add any running into the mix until I weigh less than 250 pounds, which is the "maximum weight" for the treadmill that I walk on.  So far, it hasn't collapsed under me from my walking, but I don't want to break it with running!  Plus walking is a great workout in itself and an excellent stepping stone towards getting back into running shape.  :-)

Also, I have started an Instagram hashtag to chronicle healthy choices this year:  #leahgettinghealthy2016

1 comment:

SewTypical said...

you GO, Girl!

PS I love this video by Dr. Mike about how walking is the BEST!
I watch it now and then for inspiration: