Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lose 12.6 by Xmas Week 1 results!

Start weight- 166.6
This week's weight- 164.0 (-2.6)

This week's measurements (+/- from last week)
neck- 12.0 (-1/2 inch)
upper arm (widest part)- 13.5 (-1/2 inch)
bust (widest part)-37.5 (-1/2 inch)
bust (below breasts)-33 (-1 inch)
waist (smallest part)- 31.5 (-.25 inch)
waist (belly button)-36 (-2 inches)
hips (widest part)-45.5 (same)
thighs (widest part)-24.5 (-3 inches)
thighs (halfway between knee and crotch)-21.5 (same)
calf (widest part)- 14.5 (same)

total inches lost 11.25 (counting arms and thighs twice)

Hmmmm.  So in one week of getting back on track, I can lose almost three pounds and several inches all over my body???

That seems like a lot, but I measured correctly.  And you can see the difference in these progress pictures, the first one take a week ago. 

My guess:  Water weight and bloat.  I think that I was carrying a lot of water weight around, and now it's gone.  And that makes me happy!  The scale says I'm lighter and so do my jeans.  :-)

I'm sure that the results this week will be less dramatic (though I would love to lose an inch or two of hips before this is all over!) and that is fine with me.  I have 10 pounds left to lose and 9 weeks to get there.



Rachael said...

Amazing week 1 results and congrats on your awesome inches and weight loss. 10 pounds in 9 weeks is definately a realistic goal and you can do it!

Unknown said...

woohoo look @ you go!!!

Megan said...

AMAZING! You look wonderful and you really can tell a difference in your pictures!

Leah: Not Otherwise Specified said...

Thanks, everyone! :-)

I'm looking forward to final blog entry from this challenge, where I will see myself shrinking from 166.6 to 154.0 in pictures. Pictures don't lie! :-)

Jennifer said...