Wednesday, January 18, 2012

post and run... school thoughts so far!

Feel free to skip this entry if you don't want to read ramblings about my schooling.

This semester is tough so far, and it's only just begun (began?  Hmmm.... good thing I'm in school.).

Here's my schedule, in case you all were curious, and because I love giving any potential stalkers more opportunities.  I'll also let you in on what each class seems to be about so far, and how I like the teacher and feel about the class:


8-8:55am- Literary Heritage.  This class is going to be very reading and writing intensive, and the professor seems to be tough but fair, which is great.  Basically, it's reading fiction, poetry, and drama, and writing many essays about the readings. 

9:10-10:05am- Modern Political Thought.  The teacher in this class is a retired military guy, and it shows.  Lots of shouting at us.  But I like him anyway.  :-)  I can tell that as long as I work hard to finish the reading and to do my presentations as well as participate in class, this one will be easy for me.  (he let us out early today, giving me time to blog before my next class...)

10:20-11:15am- Elementary Spanish I.  This is my final attempt to learn Spanish.  I tried in high school and it didn't take, but since Political Science majors must complete two full years of foreign language, I'm giving it another go.  I've always wanted to learn three languages: Spanish, Japanese, and American Sign Language.  I'm going to start with Spanish now and get that crossed off the bucket list!  The teacher is really nice, and it's a very online-intensive class with lots of homework assignments to be submitted online almost daily.  She says that classes will be for learning how to actually SPEAK the language, which I think is cool. 

Tuesdays and Thursdays

9:40am-11:05am- Comparative Politics.  Another fun class for a Poly-Sci nerd like me.  I'm going to learn about governments all around the world, and will be comparing them to each other.  Bonus:  I'm going to finally be forced to learn geography.  There are map quizzes every few weeks.  Next week I will have to know where all 48 Asian countries are...  wish me luck!  I love the professor in this class.

11:20-12:45- Film and Philosophy.  This class has definate potential for me, but it's also scary because it's upper-level philosophy and I've never taken a philosophy class, so many of the concepts are completely new to me.  I'm enjoying it, and actually am learning to like the professor.  He grows on you. 

I'm trying to make it to the school gym at least 3 times a week after class.  Today is my first spinning class, so... I'm prepared to sweat buckets and hurt all over tomorrow, YAY!  :-)

I'll  be back for a more on-topic post before the weekend, and look forward to a GIVEAWAY soon, too.

Are you in school?  How are you liking this semester so far?


Leanne @ The Skinny Architect said...

I took a comparative politics class in college, the poly-sci classes were always my favorite. Or the history classes, I liked those too! Good luck with school this semester!

Rachael said...

I am taking two online business classes while working full time this term. Those classes are priniciples of human resources adminstration and New Product development (marketing class). So far I like my classes and the professors.

Your classes sound interesting and good luck with school.