Monday, June 6, 2011

DVD Review: The Firm Weight Loss System- Ignite Calorie Burn

This is the workout I do when I say "The Firm WLSystem DVD". 

I had to review it on here, because it is AMAZING.  It's so amazing that I can't do it often because I'm sore for 2 or 3 days after doing this one.

There are two 20 minute workouts on this DVD.  I always do both of them, for a nice 40 minute workout.

Both workouts are a mixture of cardio and strength, which is what I am trying to do more of, since I tend to do all-cardio-all-the-time if left to my own devices...

The first instructor is named Emily and the second instructor is named Rebecca.  Both have two other instructors behind them, one of which does modified (easier/beginner) versions of the more extreme moves (I follow the modified for all push-up moves, because I'm still not doing "real" push-ups)

Emily's workout is my favorite, mostly because I love Emily.  She is also featured on The Firm Wave DVDs, which I still try to use regularly.  Emily's workout is TOUGH.  Lots of jumping, lots of squatting, and lots of jumping squats.  It's nuts!  Some of the movements go too quickly for me and I'm not sure if I'm doing them correctly.  There are even side-planks in this workout, which I was excited to see because I've been wanting to try those. 

Rebecca's workout is tough, too, but it's also pretty fun.  There is a volleyball sequence of moves that really make me smile every time, and I now think that if I was sure the ball wouldn't hit me in the face, I may enjoy volleyball. 

Both workouts feature "bursts".  Bursts are 8 second high-intensity cardio sessions, mostly jumping-related in some way.  It's crazy hard, but 8 seconds goes by pretty quickly.  8 second burst, followed by 12 second recovery (just stepping in rythym); repeat 4 times.  That happens every couple of minutes and I think is the real mastermind behind my aching muscles and this workout's effectiveness.

I have been doing this video an average of once a week for a few weeks now.  I did it on Saturday morning, and thought, "Finally, it's easy!" but I think that I pushed myself pretty hard because it's Monday and my muscles are still achey from it.  I especially always feel this workout in my thighs and butt.  I need to invest in some 8 pound dumbbells.  My 5's are getting too easy, and my 10's are way too heavy for these moves!

All in all, I give this DVD 4.5/5 stars.  I would give it all 5, but I am sure that it's not perfect.  The one thing that I don't like is when the instructors occasionally say things like, "I know you want to quit, DON'T QUIT!" because I don't want to quit.

I'm going to make it my goal to do this video TWICE this week, on Tuesday and Thursday.  I'll let you know how it goes/if it goes.

P.S. I did weigh-in on Saturday, and found that I was up .6.  I really think that was probably period bloat, not real weight-gain.  So I am considering it a maintain.  :-)  Still loving IE!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sounds like a great workout! I might need to invest in some new workout DVDs!