Wow, what a powerful day I had yesterday! :-)
I ate 100% from the Power Foods list, and I have to say that I felt great all day long. From my oatmeal breakfast to my brown rice and beans lunch and dinner, to my fruit and veggie snacks... I was satisfied.
I ended up eating less than my daily PointsPlus. I ate 26 PointsPlus yesterday! It is a WW first for me. Since starting WW in May/June 2009, I have never gone under my daily points. Nope, I've been an eat-whatever-I-can kind of gal, usually eating all DP plus some WP/AP every day.
So I was shocked when I went to bed last night, satisfied at 26.
I almost took pictures of both my lunch and dinner, but ultimately decided against it! Would you like to see pictures of my food, or would that be too KERF-y for this blog? (I love
KERF, by the way, I just don't know if people are interested in seeing pictures of my meals, or if reading about them is good enough for this blog).
Seriously, they were delicious! I need to make another big batch of rice in my rice cooker tonight, since I'm almost all done with what I made on Monday.
Lunch (10 PointsPlus): mixed together in a bowl- 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup ff refried beans, salsa (to taste), 1/2 cup corn (kernels, canned, NSA), 1 tsp EVOO.
note: On a normal WW day, this would have tasted even better in a tortilla, and it would have only been one more PointPlus (I get high-fiber, low-carb tortillas)
Dinner (10 PointsPlus): mixed together in a bowl- 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup black beans, 1/2 cup corn (kernels, canned, NSA), 1 tsp EVOO, green beans (canned, NSA, entire can), sea salt and black pepper (to taste)
I usually don't eat corn, but I realized yesterday how much I have missed it! When I was planning my meals, I saw that I would be under points for the day. So I added corn to both meals, and I was still a bit under for the day.
Maybe it's that I stuck to the Power Foods list, maybe it's because I ate bigger, pointier meals, but whatever the reason, I had NO cravings for junk yesterday, and ended the day satisfied and with 3 PointsPlus to spare.
Since I don't enjoy eating less than my DP (in fact, I always want to eat at least my DP, never go under) I don't plan to have another Power Foods challenge day again.
I think that as a vegan who doesn't cook much, I need my nuts and nut butters to get me the PointsPlus that my body needs.
Yesterday did teach me some things:
1) Power Foods really are powerful. I was satisfied between meals, and never had junk food cravings, which is rare for me.
2) I will be able to do the Simply Filling Technique easily, if I ever want to. Yesterday's food + a tortilla and an ounce of almonds on SFT = 6 points. I can do it!
3) I don't need my granola bar for breakfast, but I sure do love it. And the simple sugars in it may be causing my junk food cravings all day long? I am not sure, but I've heard that theory and had never tested it until yesterday.